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Getting involved with the Fulton County Farm Bureau® connects you to a community passionate about agriculture. As a member, you become part of a larger voice advocating for farming interests at local, state, and national levels.

You’ll gain access to exclusive educational resources, networking opportunities with fellow farmers and agribusiness professionals, and the latest industry insights and innovations.

Your membership also offers practical benefits like discounts on farming supplies, insurance, and other services tailored to meet the needs of those in the agricultural sector.

By joining, you not only support the agricultural community but also contribute to shaping a sustainable future for farming in Fulton County.

To join download the membership flyer, call (309-547-3011) or email ( the office today!



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Legislative Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Legislative Committee focuses on assessing, addressing, and advocating for agricultural issues across local, state, and national levels to ensure farmers’ perspectives influence policy decisions.

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Local Affairs Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Local Affairs Committee actively tackles and advocates on local issues like taxes, infrastructure, internet access, zoning, and environmental concerns, aiming to represent member interests and boost community involvement.

Marketing Club

Marketing Club

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Marketing Club offers members key agricultural insights for informed decision-making, featuring expert talks on topics such as crop insurance, weather, and agronomy, and fostering networking and collaboration.

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Membership Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Membership Committee works to grow their community by retaining and attracting members while promoting benefits such as discounts, networking, and educational events to enhance their membership base.

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Policy Development Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Policy Development Committee emphasizes a grassroots approach to crafting policies, identifying agricultural issues, engaging in debate and study, drafting recommendations, and seeking member approval to ensure policies serve the agricultural community’s best interests.

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Promotions & Education Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau®’s Promotions and Education Committee engages in activities like Ag in the Classroom and farm safety programs, and participates in community events to improve understanding and awareness of agriculture

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Young Leaders Committee

The Fulton County Farm Bureau® Young Leaders Committee, for members aged 18-35, focuses on empowering farmers, consumer outreach, and enhancing skills in leadership, marketing, and technology, continuously refining their strategy for effectiveness.



In 1948, The Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) and Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB)® formed a partnership with a goal of providing doctors in rural communities in Illinois.  Then in 1994 Illinois Farm Bureau® Rural Nurse Practitioner Scholarship Program was established to encourage and develop the pool of rural health practitioners to help meet primary health care needs in rural Illinois.  Students who receive scholarships/financial assistance through both programs must agree to practice for a minimum number of years in an approved rural area in Illinois.

To be eligible for both assistance programs, students must be Illinois residents and must meet certification requirements.

Applications for both are available at through this link RIMSAP – Providing Financial Assistance and Recommendations for Medical Education, on the Rural Illinois Medical Student Assistance Program website at, or by writing Donna Gallivan, Program Manager, Illinois Farm Bureau, 1701 Towanda Avenue, Bloomington, IL 61701.  Applications are due May 1.

For additional information, contact Donna Gallivan at 309-557-2350, or via e-mail at

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What is FB Act?

FB ACT (Farm Bureau® Agricultural Contact Team) is a program that helps you take back your influence in Washington, Springfield and even your own backyard.

How do members join?

Members may sign up by texting “FARM” to 52886, or you can sign them up by clicking here.

Legislative Action Center

The Legislative Action Center helps you find email addresses, and also lets you email all your legislators at once. Plus, if you click “Remember Me” on the form, it will automatically add your contact information to all future emails.


VIDEO:  How to Sign Up for FB ACT
VIDEO:  How to Complete an Action Request

Find your legislator